
How to Ensure Long-Term Optimal Performance of Your Building?

Written by ACCS | May 13, 2024 5:36:31 PM

Property managers and technical services teams face numerous challenges related to managing comfort, energy efficiency, and the health of heating, ventilation, and air condition (HVAC) equipment.

Balancing these three elements can be complex. Increased comfort demands can lead to significant energy wastage, and non-optimized start-stop operations on electromechanical equipment can significantly reduce its lifespan.

Implementing a centralized control system allows operators to manage all of these aspects effectively. By bringing together specialists in the early stages of investment projects and focusing on continuous long-term monitoring, you create winning conditions for optimizing results.

Bringing The Right Experts Together Early in Projects 

Regardless of the project type — whether it’s new construction or renovating existing buildings — involving systems control experts early ensures occupant comfort, optimized system operations, and meeting energy efficiency targets.

To build a solid technological foundation and develop increasingly smarter buildings over time, the consulting engineers, selected by the owner or property manager, and the control expert must align on common strategic goals and work together from the design phase. The construction industry’s usual sequential approach tends to reduce synergies between stakeholders and doesn’t maximize understanding of building needs.

The more shared the HVAC design objectives are among specialists from the start, the more effective system start-ups will be, with control sequences perfectly tailored to the building's needs.

The efficiency of an HVAC control system depends on the quality of the technologies selected and above all on programming and optimizating experts. They consider clients’ goals, installation complexity, and usage parameters varying by building type and occupancy.

Implementing Monitoring and Optimization Practices 

Buildings constantly evolve with space layouts, tenant changes, seasons, and technologies. Being supported by experts who keep an eye on your building throughout its lifespan, understand parameter changes’ impacts on building performance, and take preventive action is reassuring.

At ACCS, we offer:

 Scheduled preventive maintenance services, in control and mechanics, on-site and remotely, ensuring reliable support from our experienced technicians.

  • Repair and emergency services to assist in daily operations, remotely through telemanagement and on-site as needed.
  • Comprehensive support for software updates and management for platform migration.
  • Implementation of smart alarms on critical equipment and components, allowing continuous operational monitoring and collaboration with on-site teams.
  • Continuous energy monitoring is called Monitoring-Based Commissioning (MBCx).

Benefits of Monitoring-Based Commissioning (MBCx)

Our energy experts focus on optimizing equipment operation through Monitoring-Based Commissioning (MBCx), which involves continuously building monitoring, a monitoring loop, and assessing and implementing control sequence optimization measures.


MBCx identifies the adjustments needed to maximize energy efficiency and system operation while ensuring occupant comfort and extending equipment lifespan.

Here are a few concrete examples of MBCx measures:

  • Reducing operating hours or optimizing equipment start-up times.
  • Eliminating heating and cooling conflicts.
  • Optimizing air and water supply and return temperatures.
  • Adjusting air volumes and fresh air quantities based on occupancy and CO2
  • Improving equipment performance by operating within recommended ranges and reducing cycling.
  • Recalibrating sensors and making any necessary repairs.
  • Implementing control strategies to better manage peak demand and minimize the use of fossil fuels.

By working collaboratively with operations teams in short iteration cycles, shared learning and understanding deepen, continually improving building mechanical systems performance.

Monitoring-Based Commissioning (MBCx) has several benefits:

  1. Optimization measures are implemented promptly, ensuring a rapid return on investment, and supporting building decarbonization.
  2. Equipment set points and usage parameters can be adjusted based on a deep understanding of building use and operations.
  3. Additional savings opportunities can be identified over time.
  4. Money savings are sustained, and typical system drift can be anticipated.

In Summary

You're supported before, throughout, and following project completion to maintain system efficiency in the long term. Regardless of the post-construction service package chosen, you'll receive prompt and efficient assistance from an experienced partner who is familiar with your building's history.

Including HVAC control in your strategic objectives directly impacts comfort levels, electromechanical equipment lifespan, operating expenses, and energy consumption.

With ACCS as your ally, you ensure sound building management, contributing to higher ratings for prestigious certifications such as BOMA Best® and LEED ®.