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May 13, 2024

Taking Action to Accelerate the Technological Transition of Buildings (ESG)

With its new ESG strategy, ACCS is taking conscious steps toward a sustainable and responsible future. Its president, Simon Fournier, outlines the key commitments.

Inspired by other organizations with exemplary environmental practices, the Terrebonne-based control company, ACCS, has chosen to apply ESG criteria— Environmental, Social, and Governance — throughout its activities, both internally and externally, as well as in its decision-making process.

At the Heart of its Mission

Already committed to caring for people and the environment, one intelligent building at a time, ACCS takes another decisive step toward sustainable development.

"If the 'S' and the 'E' were quite clear in our mission regarding people and the environment, the G adds concrete commitments from shareholders and executives,” explains Simon Fournier.

The Result of a Process and Consultation

The ESG strategy is the result of a process led by an internal committee established in early 2023 and spanning several months.

The results were presented to an external advisory committee composed of ESG experts from ACCS’s business network and property managers and owners, who themselves have undertaken such an approach.

“The feedback and suggestions from committee members really allowed us to refine and improve our strategy,” confirms Simon Fournier.

The E, S, and G in Action

In May 2024, ACCS unveils its ESG strategy and action plan for the current year. Drawing on examples, Simon Fournier, shows of how the key commitments will be implemented within the company.


Regarding the environment, the ‘E’, ACCS commits, among other things, to carbon neutrality by 2030 while actively contributing to its clients’ energy consumption reduction objectives through building automation.

Environment Strategy

“The E aspect is probably the most meaningful for us because we install technologies to help decarbonize buildings. It’s kind of our daily battle: how can we decarbonize buildings using our technology, expertise, and projects? To achieve this, we aim to be a resource for our clients, providing them with the equipment they need, guiding them in their decision-making, and developing a long-term partnership with them.”

“Among our actions”, continues Simon Fournier, “we want to reduce the impact of our activities related to scopes 1 and 2, that is, decarbonizing our own head office facilities and gradually electrifying our vehicle fleet as well as our entire range of services. To do this, we aim to propose   more remote management activities, and enhance our energy efficiency services with continuous monitoring.”


For the societal aspect, the ‘S’, ACCS is committed to developing the full potential of its teams.

Approximately 80% of the company’s employees have highly specialized technical expertise, that requires continuous updating. Potential upcoming retirements will furthermore make knowledge transfer a significant challenge.

Social Strategy

“Concretely, in the coming next year, we want to work on skills development and on career progression. There isn't necessarily a well-defined educational path that equips our teams to face everyday control challenges. It's our responsibility to provide them with this knowledge” emphasizes Simon Fournier.

The company also wants to raise awareness and provide team members with more cybersecurity skills, notably through online training.

"Cybersecurity is critical for us. We install technology in buildings that is accessible remotely for various interventions. Therefore, we must maintain a high level of knowledge and security for our clients."

To better welcome, support, and assist its teams, the company plans to implement an approach based on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI)—principles that are at the core of ACCS’s corporate culture.

“We will survey our team, which currently consists of 100 employees, about their experience within the company and their level of knowledge about EDI. In addition to training for management committee and team leaders, we will be improving our recruitment process by including more diverse profiles in our job offers."

Furthermore, in line with its mission, the company also aims to take care of its clients.

ACCS is therefore committed to becoming a driving force behind the energy transition in buildings, in particular by increasing its clients’ understanding and skillset.

“For example, in 2024, we want to be offering training to operators. Buildings are becoming more mechanically and technologically complex. It’s important to increase the autonomy of our clients’ teams with tools and provide them with the right information and dashboards to help them make the right decisions. We see it as a way of turning them into super-operators!”

ACCS also aspires to share its knowledge and expertise with construction industry professionals.

"We want to get involved, share, exchange, in order to be a driver of energy transition through technology. We are convinced that control plays a key role in decarbonization," emphasizes Simon Fournier.

Good Governance

Finally, in terms of governance, the ‘G’, ACCS intends to maintain a board of directors independent of the company's management team.

Goverance Strategy

“It’s essential. On the one hand, it allows us to take a step back and have a broader perspective, and, on the other, it’s a structure that, in my opinion, elevates discussions to a higher level,” believes Simon Fournier.

In addition to ensuring transparent management, the company will implement a business continuity plan to set out the measures and procedures required to maintain essential services in the event of a major incident or disaster.

The Crucial Role of Building Automation 

For ACCS, the ESG strategy is not a plan with an end but rather a process of continuous improvement.

The company is enthusiastic about this commitment, which is true to its core values, and intends to share its ESG strategy with its clients and business partners, who may well choose to follow suit.

The ultimate goal of this approach, Simon Fournier concludes, is to demonstrate the crucial role of building automation in decarbonizing buildings.

“What we wish for is that the technological shift in buildings would lead to better management of the Québec real estate portfolio and contribute to the energy transition.”

Learn more about our ESG plan