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technology integration
Knowing buildings
like back of our hands.
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The management platform, the building's brain.
ACCS stands out on the market by offering integration services that require exceptional knowledge and expertise. We chose to use the open management platform Niagara Framework® from Tridium, which allowed our customers to connect all the building’s systems and benefit from a universal language.
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Why choose an open platform?
We implement a highly secure software platform that provides a harmonious cohabitation and synergies between the HVAC control, the lighting, the security, the elevator management and the smart parking systems, regardless of the manufacturer.
Give your building a new dimension by implementing a powerful and evolving platform.
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The benefits:
- Benefit from a management tool that centralizes all the data on a single and fully secure web interface.
- Check the status of all the building or building complexes systems in real time anywhere, on your tablet or your phone.
- Manage alarms and schedules, and access history in a few clicks.
- Gain operational efficiency with the personalized dashboards.
- Expand your horizons towards the technologies of the future.
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All our technology integration projects include:
- Requirements analysis
- Engineering
- Programming and integration
- Installation and start-up
- Training of technical staff
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ACCS, a technology integrator and a partner you can trust.
Our team supports and guides you through your technological choices in accordance with your needs and objectives. Therefore, we help you build a coherent and efficient environment, while ensuring the interoperability of the products and the standardization of the data.
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Why Choose Us?
A proactive partner, management tools that make the difference and satisfied occupants.